Creating a Work Corner: Your little office in your condo

I can't help but post this! This is the perfect corner for me -- i'll just replace the sewing machine with my computer, and the other things with my trinkets, figurines, books and my vintage cameras!
Image c/o theDaintySquid

I've always planned to redesign my bedroom at our home in Bulacan to make it reflect my personality, but it's just this year that I was able to finally start doing so. I painted the walls a bluish gray, and highlighted it with Hot Pink curtains. I wanted to have all my furnitures white -- the kind that looks like it's just roughly painted so it looks rustic -- but I realized I'm more of the COLORFUL type.

This is my room in the morning and the sunlight is just lovely!

I hung my polaroid photos in the corner using nylon and small colorful tongs and I made some invisible bookshelves too! I'm thinking of creating a sticker mural for the opposite wall, but I'm still looking for a supplier and thinking of a design!

I'm planning to have a little study table on which I can place my computer and read some books. My room is a bit small so it'll be quite a challenge. The first photo inspired me because that's a little corner I can manage and a little space that my room can spare. But most of all, I love the colors!

Prettifying my room is such a stress-reliever. Try it yourself!


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