Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie (2008)


Genre: Action & Adventure
i would have chosen national treasures over this movie any second if not for convenience. it was easier to go home from megamall than from greenbelt where 'treasures' was screening in advance. but no regrets!

these chipmunks may be 5 times as annoying as your kid cousin or nephew, but their cuteness overrules any kind of negative reaction such as kicking the seat in front or walking out of the cinema. you might even think of pinching your seat mate, but definitely that will never be of annoyance. that may be because of... THEODORE!!!

the film may have some gaps and i find it a bit short of action/chase scenes, but it is definitely worth watching even if you're not a fan - and even if you are loyal to the cartoon. add to that, their chimpmunky voices are a perfect blend. their harmony makes any cover song fun listening to - such as "bad day" by daniel powter.

so, if you want to experience how it feels to be a kid again and go through the day stress-free, drop that oxycan and ditch that stressball. take off that post-it with your gym and derma schedule and set a date with Alvin & the Chipmunks.




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