School Scene: Martin and his answer

Jam: Martin, give an example of a common noun.
Martin: SODA!
Jam: Woooow! Sige nga, turn it into a proper noun?
Martin: Ma'am COKE, Ma'am!

Bilib talaga ako. I never even knew what a soda is until I was in college!

I really enjoy my OJT at the Philippine National School for the Blind because of the seemingly surprising answers I get from the students, the conversations I overhear, their manner of speaking (they do invent a lot of words), their kalokohan, and their different personalities. My plight with the LRT and the loooong hours of travel do not even matter anymore. I just want to be there not just to inspire these kids, but to be inspired by them, their struggles and their curious nature.

~ Jam


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